LIXO - Massage Chairs In Chennai

Massage Chairs in Chennai

Massage Chairs Online

You have many choices of massage chairs on the market today. This is especially true for the high-end luxury models. A number of the top companies produce these chairs with a wide variety of differences in the technology used. One of the more advanced Massage Chairs in Chennai is the LIXO Massage Chair.

The high-end Lixo massage chair is the LI6001 model. This massage chair comes with a number of advanced technological features. Many of these features are used to provide a more thorough and customize massage based on your body type and your current state of health.

The LI6001 massage chair comes with a stress sensor. The user will cup a mouse-like devise with their hand. The advanced technology of this chair will read the pulse rate and perspiration of the user. It is then able to determine where you have stress points in your back.

This stress sensor makes a determination of where you have stress points on your back. This information is then fed into the system's computer. These massage programs will be adjusted where your stress points are determined. Your stress points will actually light up on the LCD screen while the chair systematically attacked each point.

Another advanced feature of the Lixo LI6001 is if body shape sensor. The body shape sensor detects the position of your body in the chair. If you move during the massage, then this technology will adjust the massage to your new position in the chair.

Although the Lixo LI6001 massage chair has both the stress sensor and the body shape sensor, they tend to provide less therapeutic features than other massage chairs. We think it is important to have sensor technologies such as this but not at the expense of providing effective massage therapy.

One of the more important features of the Sanyo massage chair is its GK roller system. This GK roller system has the ability to provide a massage of the top of the shoulders. This is particularly effective and providing for relief of stiffness in the shoulder area.

So for stiff shoulders, you should try out the GK roller system. This is effective with its gripping massage. You can also apply kneading to the upper back which helps to loosen and relieve tightness in the shoulders and arms. Having extra degrees of movement with the rollers is certainly a good direction for Lixo.

The Lixo massage chair also has a shiatsu massage for these lower legs. It has specialized nodes to stimulate being calves and also for the feet. We believe that reflexology foot massage is an important aspect of relaxing the entire body.

The interesting thing about the Lixo massage chairs is that the above features are used in all of their models. Whether it is the high-end luxury model or their entry level model, the technology platform is the same. Since the technology doesn't change throughout the chairs, it is worthwhile to see if the middle tier or entry-level chair is sufficient to meet your needs. Lixo makes high-quality chairs and provides good warranty coverage for their chairs.

If you are looking at a Massage chairs in Chennai, then check out the Lixo Massage Chairs. They have some of the most advanced sensor technologies to customize your massage. 


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